Wednesday, October 3, 2007

# 8 Make life REALLY simple?

"Sentence first, verdict afterwards!"

Setting up the Bloglines Account was pretty straight forward, it was adding the feeds that caused me grief. I did finish with 3 'mainstream' feeds and 2 from friends completing Learning 2.0. One because I'm really impressed with his progress (I hope I can get some tips along the way) and the second because she makes me laugh (her frustrations often mirror mine!)

This was not an easy exercise as I don't have websites and news information services I visit every day (I don't even manage to check my email every day much to the annoyance of my friends) but I am thinking about how to better utilise this new account. I admit it is a lot quicker to get my inspiration and my laughs. On reflection, I was already using this concept by having favourite searches on Ebay posted to my email account.

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