Sunday, December 2, 2007

# 24 Just Playing

free music

# 23 The End?

"We called him Tortoise because he taught us."

Parisian mural - 2006

Learning 2.0 has been the BEST experience and look what we have to show for it - Blogs, RSS feeds, YouTube videos, LibraryThing and heaps of other stuff. Thank you so much to those who made this possible.

I feel both sad and elated to have reached the final module - such an amazing journey. Like being on an express train, hurtling through fascinating country and occassionally stopping briefly at a station for a quick sortie into the unknown. I so want to go back and spend more time exploring the rest of that country. I can still recall that first rush of exhilaration setting up the blog and it worked (well finally.)

I loved the image generators particularly Motivator and Warholizer! and YouTube - what a blast.

One problem was Time - just not enough to do the activities at work. The best part was sharing problems and solutions with other staff - it was very beneficial to talk through problems. It was also great to be able to work on Learning 2.0 at home. It meant I could make time for it and also enabled me to make time to explore new and suggested areas of interest.

It is such a buzz to learn new skills. It makes you more confident dealing with the public and helping them make the most of these amazing developments in communication. It also makes you aware of how vast cyberspace is and how crammed it is with interesting, challenging, inspiring, funny people just waiting to share their knowledge with others.

Bring on Learning 2.1!

# 22 Audiobooks

"I've often seen a cat without a grin; but a grin without a cat...!"

Being time poor, I have long been a fan of 'Talking Books.' I really enjoy listening to a story being read while driving or even doing the ironing. (The level of enjoyment depending to a degree on the voice of the reader.)
Having now checked out the World EBook fair site (lots of classics) and Fictionwise (HEAPS of titles and genres)I think audio ebooks would be a boon for someone who has a computer but is housebound or, anyone with an MP3 player - a digitial library, what a space saver! (and definitely a way of capturing those wayward titles you seek but never see for sale.)
From a public library point of view however, what I am really looking forward to are Takeaways which will free the patron from having to have any necessary hardware.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

# 21 Podcasts

"There's a large mustard-mine near here...The more there is of mine, the less there is of yours."

Sometimes a little knowledge is a dangerous thing - it tends to make me a bit impatient. Using I found two different types of podcasts I was really interested in. The first, a movie review site I couldn't get to broadcast, and, the second, an Italian travel site I really loved listening to but was unable to add to my Bloglines account.

I had much more success using I found 'Movies you should see' (which according to them provide the best movie reviews on the internet!) I listened to a review of Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and am now looking forward to catching others as I was able to successfully add the podcast to my Bloglines Account!

# 20 YouTube

"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense."

I had heard a lot about YouTube but it is only since starting Learning 2.0 I have actually visited the site. Quite often you don't know until you watch something whether it's simply a waste of time and I did find a bit of that but I found some interesting clips and some that were purely entertaining.

One clip I enjoyed was 42nd Street Broadway Style - what a great way to demonstrate dance steps! And it's this instructional style clip that I think has potential in a library setting. Recently, colleagues were planning a workshop for teens on gift wrapping and they were sourcing demonstration clips on things like making small boxes from old greeting cards (and very nifty they were too!)

# 19 Web 2.0 tools

"Now, I give you fair warning, either you or your head must be off, and that in about half no time!"

Any excuse to pull up a photo - Monet's Garden! Yeah. I find myself getting sidetracked all the time. There is so much to see and explore! I checked out the Web 2.0 Awards list. Oh my! so I backtracked and went in to the winners only which was a bit more manageable. (I'm already a Library Thinger and had explored Technorati and a number of the other winners) so I took a look at RealTravel.

I liked the flight information. You get information on available flights for your chosen destination, stop overs, full travel time and cost together with type of aircraft and seating plan including available seats - but, you have to search multiple sites to end up with an extensive list of comparative prices (and I think it provided better for overseas than Australia.) However, I thought you could do better elsewhere for accommodation. The list they give you is quite good as a starting point but not really exhaustive. (They do have great maps though. )

I liked the idea of the free travel blog (but resisted signing up!) I have a friend, an inveterate traveller, who has no idea how to start and I hope to give her some help. I will start by directing her to this site.

From a library point of view, I think it gives a great introduction to travel information available on the web for first time users and would be a good starting place.

Friday, November 30, 2007

# 18 Web-based Apps

"What is the use of repeating all that stuff, if you don't explain it as you go on?"

I thought I had it sorted. I created an account with Zoho, created a document and then tried to upload a photo- that didn't happen. Tried again with the same result. (The adjacent photo actually - just wanted to make sure it wasn't the problem) I then tried to publish to my blog but that didn't happen either.

I like the idea of being able to create documents and not have to worry about software compatibility issues when moving from PC to PC - I just didn't find Zoho as friendly as I expected.

# 17 PBWiki

"Well, I never heard it before, but it sounds uncommon nonsense."

I guess Vegemite wasn't an option. I added my blog to the favourite Australian Blogs listing (I still get a kick when a link works!) and added a short piece to the Favourite Books page. This is always so hard as I don't have just one but could wax lyrical for pages. I was very circumspect and limited myself to 2.

The exercise was relatively painless as far as editing a piece but I suspect the challenge lies in the initial set up of the Wiki. At least now I have a better understanding of that process.

# 16 Wikis

"That's nothing to what I could say if I chose."

Maybe that quote should come at the end of this post! I have just finished visiting a number of Wikis, reading much about their virtues and their vices, and, have had a look at PBWiki!

When I first started learning about computers I was always cautioned with 'you only get out what you put in ergo garbage in, garbage out.' but I do have to admit to using Wikipedia for fast, reasonable answers to some queries. I rankle a little at the suggestion that this course of action is for the naive. I have some qualms about universal authorship and the seeming lack of authority but there are ways of monitoring this and checks can be put in place to limit vandalism - such a pity but there you go.

Setting up a Wiki does require much more than just opening at a blank page but I love the idea of a lively, vibrant What's happening in our community type Wiki, attached to the Library's site and available for all to contribute to. Also, the Info. Services Team has been thinking about the possibility of using a Wiki for our Information Services Manual (currently in hard copy at every branch - so updating is very labour based) Peter Blake's article on this topic from the 2007 Information Online Conference had some very useful insights into the do's and don'ts.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

# 15 Library 2.0 & Web 2.0

"Reeling and Writhing, of course...and then the different branches of arithmetic - Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision." Don't you just love Alice!
This is one of my favourite photos - Venice as dawn breaks - what promise it holds of everything a new day can offer.
A lot of harsh things have been written about the possible future of libraries but I for one, am still hugely optomistic and a passionate believer in our ability to grow with the challenge. Just as Web 2.0..."becomes the center of a new digital lifestyle...that changes every aspect of our lives." Tom Storey, so does Library 2.0 offer us the opportunity to listen to our communities and change with them.
I don't share the apparent pessimism of Rick Anderson (Away from the icebergs) I think libraries and librarians have embraced the digital age and are working with it to create unprecedented opportunites for access and experimentation for all sectors of the population, and I don't think you have to chuck the baby out with the bath water - there is still a lot to be said in support of books and other print resources, it's just a question of finding the right balance.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

# 14 Technorati

"We're all mad here!"

That's what it feels like sometimes! - There is so much new information to be processed and precious little time to deal with it calmly and logically. I feel as though I am skimming along on the surface and there is so much more to explore and experience.

I am sooo impressed with the work some of my colleagues have produced but I shall continue to plug away. (As with any new skill, I wish I had started with the knowledge I have now and I am sure I would have done things differently.)

Did you know a new phrase has entered the English language (and undoubtedly other languages as well) thanks to mobile phones "I'm on the train." cute hey, but I draw the line at 'Favourited!'- please...

Being a former cataloguer (I don't think you ever stop thinking like one) I understand the push for developing ways of tracking information and for trying to tame to some degree the wealth of information being generated out there - 50 million blogs and growing, even allowing for a high percentage of dross. I was surprised to find my blog was already being captured by Technorati and according to my reading it was because I was using Blogger (however, some of my colleagues - also using Blogger were not - how so? Hmmm! )

Technorati allows for 3 way searching :keywords; whole blog posts: and whole blogs. I have added this to my, To follow up further list as I want to contine on with more Learning 2.0 and time is now an issue.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

# 13 Tagging

"Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves."

After a lot of reading and exploring , I finally decided I could see the sense of

Although I don't visit a lot of sites on a daily basis, I do have a number of sites bookmarked on the PC at home and to be able to access those sites remotely, without having to recreate the searches, would be a bonus as well as saving precious online time.

I also liked the social network aspect. I liked the analogy of 'peering into another users' filing cabinet' as it is often a great advantage to see something from someone else's perspective!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

# 12 Rollyo

"Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!"
(Well it makes as much sense as a lot of other things!)

At the moment I don't feel the need to go down the path of Rollyo, but I admit it has possibilities both personally and professionally. I had a look at some of the Starter Search Engines and may revisit these later on with a view to development.

Travel and Hotels which suggested Frommers, Lonely Planet and Let's go among others which are all sites I might visit if planning a holiday. Similarly, Recipes may well be handy for some quick inspiration, and, Ask Mr Fix-it offered possibilities for DIY assistance (when that Readers Digest volume isn't to hand!)

I'd have to say I have bookmarked Rollyo for possible future development.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

# 11 Library Thing

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

Ah, you may well ask Hatter! I have opened an account on LibraryThing but I'm not quite certain where this is going. As with anything in this course, it's a case of try it and see what happens - quite oten the light dawns later.

I can't really see me cataloguing my library which is basically a huge, eclectic mishmash of fiction and non-fiction (can't get away from that libraryspeak!) Space, or rather lack of it, prevents any rational organisation. Looking for something to read is just a treasure hunt (if I haven't picked up something from work.)

Saturday, October 6, 2007

10.5 Still with Images

This is Cassandra

I am having so much fun I had to share at least one more image with you!

(The teeny, tiny writing reads, '...Surely, slumber is more sweet than toil.' Thank you Tennyson)

# 10 Image Generators

"A cat may look at a king."

I just love this result. I tried a couple of the other image generators including the Bob Dylan video, but Bob looked a bit bored with my effort so I moved on. My first attempt with the Warholizer wasn't very successful as I think it lacked strong contrasts but after a couple of other choices I settled for the current image (now I have to get a colour print!)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

# 9 Finding Feeds

"I think I should understand that better, if I had written it down..."

For an online learning experience I seem to be accumulating a lot of paperwork! After an initial struggle to identify RSS feeds, I feel a lot happier and have been able to establish a link to my friends' in England Blog (which delights me enormously.) I got so carried away with establishing feeds I had to do a bit of culling.

I followed the tip of exploring Ebsco host and have set up an experimental feed to 'Cats magazine' (what else!) With a bit of help from Heather I have established a feed to the Age - Entertainment headlines and have also included the Librarians Internet Index. I will see how the feeds I have now work out before deciding if there are other areas of interest I want to include. I am off now to explore Image generators!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

# 8 Make life REALLY simple?

"Sentence first, verdict afterwards!"

Setting up the Bloglines Account was pretty straight forward, it was adding the feeds that caused me grief. I did finish with 3 'mainstream' feeds and 2 from friends completing Learning 2.0. One because I'm really impressed with his progress (I hope I can get some tips along the way) and the second because she makes me laugh (her frustrations often mirror mine!)

This was not an easy exercise as I don't have websites and news information services I visit every day (I don't even manage to check my email every day much to the annoyance of my friends) but I am thinking about how to better utilise this new account. I admit it is a lot quicker to get my inspiration and my laughs. On reflection, I was already using this concept by having favourite searches on Ebay posted to my email account.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

#7 Technology of today - Email & Blogs

"What is the use of a book, without pictures or conversations?"

A Venetian Alley

I have always been a fan of the postal service - love sending letters and love receiving them. Technology hasn't so much changed that as added a new dimension. On a recent (well alright last year) overseas trip I was constantly on the lookout for Internet Cafes. Being on the move a lot of the time, staying in touch was easy - no more 'Poste Restante' I could share the day's events 'NOW'

One of my companions from that holiday is now living in Japan and she is able to share her experiences with a wide circle of friends from Melbourne to New York via her Blog - complete with photos! How cool is this.

#6 -3rd party tools

"Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction" Hmmm well maybe...

Have been flicking through Flickr again and thought I might like to have a go at a calendar using those 3rd party tools or maybe even a Trading card (but discarded this last thought as my cat is far more photogenic than yours truly.)

The only thing not clear at this stage is whether a cost is involved - there is no such thing as a free lunch is there Virginia. Until tomorrow...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Photo finish

This took a long time and a number of attempts but with a little help from my friends we triumphed and published. This is my girl Steph!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

post #3 Rabbit

"Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting."
Have just been exploring Flickr! By the time I work my way round the site - I forget what I'm meant to be doing - so many distractions, and, I seem to be setting up all these accounts! I have put in two profiles - Goodness knows where the first one went to, and, I have photos on my USB from my hard drive but that's it at the moment. Am very impressed with the work of some of my colleagues!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Getting there!

Curiouser and curiouser! As the king said,"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end:then stop -(or maybe not - who knows where this Blog will lead)

First post plus one

"It would be so nice if something made sense for a change..."