Sunday, October 21, 2007

# 13 Tagging

"Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves."

After a lot of reading and exploring , I finally decided I could see the sense of

Although I don't visit a lot of sites on a daily basis, I do have a number of sites bookmarked on the PC at home and to be able to access those sites remotely, without having to recreate the searches, would be a bonus as well as saving precious online time.

I also liked the social network aspect. I liked the analogy of 'peering into another users' filing cabinet' as it is often a great advantage to see something from someone else's perspective!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

# 12 Rollyo

"Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!"
(Well it makes as much sense as a lot of other things!)

At the moment I don't feel the need to go down the path of Rollyo, but I admit it has possibilities both personally and professionally. I had a look at some of the Starter Search Engines and may revisit these later on with a view to development.

Travel and Hotels which suggested Frommers, Lonely Planet and Let's go among others which are all sites I might visit if planning a holiday. Similarly, Recipes may well be handy for some quick inspiration, and, Ask Mr Fix-it offered possibilities for DIY assistance (when that Readers Digest volume isn't to hand!)

I'd have to say I have bookmarked Rollyo for possible future development.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

# 11 Library Thing

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

Ah, you may well ask Hatter! I have opened an account on LibraryThing but I'm not quite certain where this is going. As with anything in this course, it's a case of try it and see what happens - quite oten the light dawns later.

I can't really see me cataloguing my library which is basically a huge, eclectic mishmash of fiction and non-fiction (can't get away from that libraryspeak!) Space, or rather lack of it, prevents any rational organisation. Looking for something to read is just a treasure hunt (if I haven't picked up something from work.)

Saturday, October 6, 2007

10.5 Still with Images

This is Cassandra

I am having so much fun I had to share at least one more image with you!

(The teeny, tiny writing reads, '...Surely, slumber is more sweet than toil.' Thank you Tennyson)

# 10 Image Generators

"A cat may look at a king."

I just love this result. I tried a couple of the other image generators including the Bob Dylan video, but Bob looked a bit bored with my effort so I moved on. My first attempt with the Warholizer wasn't very successful as I think it lacked strong contrasts but after a couple of other choices I settled for the current image (now I have to get a colour print!)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

# 9 Finding Feeds

"I think I should understand that better, if I had written it down..."

For an online learning experience I seem to be accumulating a lot of paperwork! After an initial struggle to identify RSS feeds, I feel a lot happier and have been able to establish a link to my friends' in England Blog (which delights me enormously.) I got so carried away with establishing feeds I had to do a bit of culling.

I followed the tip of exploring Ebsco host and have set up an experimental feed to 'Cats magazine' (what else!) With a bit of help from Heather I have established a feed to the Age - Entertainment headlines and have also included the Librarians Internet Index. I will see how the feeds I have now work out before deciding if there are other areas of interest I want to include. I am off now to explore Image generators!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

# 8 Make life REALLY simple?

"Sentence first, verdict afterwards!"

Setting up the Bloglines Account was pretty straight forward, it was adding the feeds that caused me grief. I did finish with 3 'mainstream' feeds and 2 from friends completing Learning 2.0. One because I'm really impressed with his progress (I hope I can get some tips along the way) and the second because she makes me laugh (her frustrations often mirror mine!)

This was not an easy exercise as I don't have websites and news information services I visit every day (I don't even manage to check my email every day much to the annoyance of my friends) but I am thinking about how to better utilise this new account. I admit it is a lot quicker to get my inspiration and my laughs. On reflection, I was already using this concept by having favourite searches on Ebay posted to my email account.